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LeafScape Screenshot

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Leaf Screenshot

Leaf Screenshot

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Meural Exclusive: Edward Bateman's "LeafScape"

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A Meural Exclusive video work by Edward Bateman.

“You can discover the universe in a single leaf. In the words of poet Walt Whitman: I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. … The smallest of details reflect more than our larger world. Like a hike or a walk in the woods, the path can remain the same but you bring new eyes to each trek … nature becomes a reflection of your own mind and your own journey.

“For the past 20 years, I have been constructing work that appears photographic but is made without lenses or light. The use of 3D computer graphics lets me simulate the entire photographic process. Modeled completely inside the world of a computer, my images are ghosts made of nothing more substantial than numbers. Lately, I have returned to my roots in photography through the use of traditional chemical processes but again without light or lenses. LeafScape builds upon this work, incorporating the physical with the virtual.

“Leaves absorb sunlight, which they store in their structures. Removed from plants and trees, I placed these leaves in direct contact with light-sensitive photographic paper, which was left in total darkness for weeks to months. Over time, the stored light would slowly leak out to expose the paper and form images. This paper was then developed like traditional chemical prints.

“Like ambient music, this project aims to balance fleeting glances with the rewards of more focused attention to allow room for your own imagination and journey.”

— Edward Bateman

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LeafScape Screenshot

LeafScape Screenshot

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Leaf Screenshot

Leaf Screenshot

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