Self-Portrait with Skeleton

Self-Portrait with Skeleton

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The Family of the Painter Fritz Rumpf

The Family of the Painter Fritz Rumpf

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Flower Garden in Bloom

Flower Garden in Bloom

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The Klobenstein

The Klobenstein

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Carl Hagenbeck in His Zoo

Carl Hagenbeck in His Zoo

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View of Kohlbrand

View of Kohlbrand

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View of Walchen Lake

View of Walchen Lake

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Landscape with Cattle

Landscape with Cattle

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Afternoon on Lake Lucerne

Afternoon on Lake Lucerne

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Flower Vase on a Table

Flower Vase on a Table

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Lovis Corinth

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A selection of work from the prodigious German artist, whose work spanned (and synthesized) both the Impressionist and Expressionist movements.

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Lovis Corinth

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Caspar David Friedrich

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Adolph Menzel

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Adolph Menzel

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Self-Portrait with Skeleton

Self-Portrait with Skeleton

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The Family of the Painter Fritz Rumpf

The Family of the Painter Fritz Rumpf

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Flower Garden in Bloom

Flower Garden in Bloom

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The Klobenstein

The Klobenstein

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Carl Hagenbeck in His Zoo

Carl Hagenbeck in His Zoo

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View of Kohlbrand

View of Kohlbrand

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View of Walchen Lake

View of Walchen Lake

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Landscape with Cattle

Landscape with Cattle

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Afternoon on Lake Lucerne

Afternoon on Lake Lucerne

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Flower Vase on a Table

Flower Vase on a Table

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