Interior of the Church of St. Lawrence

Interior of the Church of St. Lawrence

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Landscape with Graves

Landscape with Graves

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Flower Vase on a Table

Flower Vase on a Table

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Architectural Fantasy

Architectural Fantasy

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View of the Alservorstadt

View of the Alservorstadt

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The Water Lily Pond

The Water Lily Pond

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House Among the Roses

House Among the Roses

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Half-Length Figure of an Apostle

Half-Length Figure of an Apostle

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Teiresias Foretells the Future to Odysseus

Teiresias Foretells the Future to Odysseus

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Praying Hands

Praying Hands

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Albertina Museum: Curated Picks

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Meural brings you a collection of celebrated and compelling works from the Albertina. The museum is located in Austria that hosts one of the most important and largest collections of prints. The collection surpasses 60,000 items, all on permanent collection.

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Interior of the Church of St. Lawrence

Interior of the Church of St. Lawrence

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Landscape with Graves

Landscape with Graves

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Flower Vase on a Table

Flower Vase on a Table

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Architectural Fantasy

Architectural Fantasy

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View of the Alservorstadt

View of the Alservorstadt

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The Water Lily Pond

The Water Lily Pond

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House Among the Roses

House Among the Roses

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Half-Length Figure of an Apostle

Half-Length Figure of an Apostle

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Teiresias Foretells the Future to Odysseus

Teiresias Foretells the Future to Odysseus

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Praying Hands

Praying Hands

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