Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking

Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking

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Zethos, Antiope and Amphion

Zethos, Antiope and Amphion

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Figure Study from the Roman Album

Figure Study from the Roman Album

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Here I and Sorrow Sit

Here I and Sorrow Sit

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The Storm

The Storm

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The Tempest

The Tempest

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Coastal Scene in a Storm

Coastal Scene in a Storm

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The Bathers

The Bathers

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The Construction of a Road

The Construction of a Road

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Introducing: Sturm und Drang

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Sturm und Drang (Storm and Drive) was a German intellectual movement of the late 1700’s. In visual art, it manifested itself in pre-romantic style paintings of scenes such as shipwrecks and natural disasters, which illustrated the terror and destruction present in nature. Sturm und Drang was firmly based in philosophy and the dramatic social upheavals taking place in Germany at the time.

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Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking

Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking

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Zethos, Antiope and Amphion

Zethos, Antiope and Amphion

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Figure Study from the Roman Album

Figure Study from the Roman Album

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Here I and Sorrow Sit

Here I and Sorrow Sit

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The Storm

The Storm

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The Tempest

The Tempest

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Coastal Scene in a Storm

Coastal Scene in a Storm

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The Bathers

The Bathers

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The Construction of a Road

The Construction of a Road

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