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Romanticism was a nineteenth-century movement that celebrated the powers of emotion and intuition over rational analysis or classical ideals. Romantic artists emphasized awe, beauty, and the sublime in their works, which frequently charted the darker or chaotic sides of human life. (The Art Story)

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Editorial (1)

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5 Lessons to Learn From J.M.W. Turner’s Sketches

5 Lessons to Learn From J.M.W. Turner’s Sketches

When Joseph Mallord William Turner died in 1851, he left behind enough masterpieces to put 90% of the world’s museums to sha…

Artists (25)

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Karl Briullov

Karl Briullov

Russian, 1799–1852
Richard Parkes Bonington

Richard Parkes Bonington

British, 1802–1828
Wilhelm Marstrand

Wilhelm Marstrand

Danish, 1810–1873

Playlists (3)

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Key Works: John Constable

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Key Works: Paul Cézanne

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Works (640)

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